This is the category description.
This is the category description.
Adopt a ‘design mindset’ to think and work differently
Commit to holistic professional formation and education
Foster a collaborative learning community for the professional practice of audit
Develop and promote the distinctive identity of the audit professional
Articulate, communicate and uphold a social and economic purpose
Impressions of the Brydon Report were written by Professor Chris Humphrey to stimulate big picture thinking and encourage a systemic approach.
As part of the 2019 AAA conference, we hosted a discussion on the future of audit with academics and practitioners which offered different and critical perspectives on the way ahead.
In a series of blogs, we are exploring new ways to think about competition, collaboration and innovation in the context of regulated markets and professional services.
Highlights from the first ‘Time to Think’ session that we hosted for young professionals on 12 March at ICAEW
A summary of the AuditFutures Seminar at Newcastle Business school on ethics, professionalism and the future of audit.